
Safely Power Your Home With GenerLink

GenerLink Keeps You "Always On!"

The GenerLink transfer switch is a UL-listed, socket-mounted device that provides a safe, easy and affordable way to connect a portable generator to your home.


Quick & Easy Installation

GenerLink transfer switches are installed behind your electric meter and deliver generator power directly to your breaker box.


3 Easy Steps to GenerLink Installation

Receive Utility Approval

The GenerLink Team will verify that the GenerLink can be used in your location by working with your utility company directly.

Receive Your GenerLink

Once your utility has been confirmed, our team will help you either purchase the GenerLink directly through us, or through your Utility Company based on your specific Utility.


Installation of GenerLink

Once you receive your GenerLink, our team will help you find a Licensed Installer to install your new GenerLink. The installation takes less than 30 minutes!

Hear from GenerLink Customers

"Just used ours (GenerLink) the other day. Worked awesome! Thank you for making such an incredible product to bridge the gap. Absolutely love it."

- Chad, Maine

"Absolutely love ours.. had to use it already. Power was out for 2 days."

- Debbie, New Brunswick Canada

Had mine for 9 years now. Love it!

- Darren, Newfoundland Canada

"Just used it (GenerLink) for a 36 hour outage. Worked flawlessly."

- Ralph, New Brunswick Canada

"Excellent solution to power outages! Simple and effective. Love mine."

- Ken, Newfoundland Canada

"I love mine! I have had to use it many times due to hurricanes in Florida and it has worked well!! When the utility power goes out, I turn off unnecessary breakers, connect the generator to the GenerLink and we are lit up again. Highly recommend and worth the cost!"

- Randall, Florida

"I've had mine for 6 years. Have used it many times. Easy and safe with no back feeding issues. Even took it with me when I moved across the country. Expensive? Yes, but so is wasting $500 of meat in your freezer when the power is out for several days."

- Bill, Oregon

"I have owned mine 6 years and have to plug it in a couple times a year, it works awesome."

- Shane, Florida